
You do not need an expensive new EV to have a lot of fun. From trips to Northern Ontario, ski trips and everything in between see how we made the most of our used Nissan Leaf.

Are Hybrids a good idea for carmakers?

Lately, the Detroit big three (GM, Ford and Stellantis), have all made big announcements on hybrids (source and source). The main motive is to improve carmakers profits as hybrids are seen as easier to make. Looking at past hybrid programs (GM’s Volts and the Toyota Prius), Hybrids are complex machines that are very tricky to…

Millie Roches Camping trip

The Parks of the St. Lawrence runs a number of campgrounds that jut into the St. Lawrence near Cornwall ON. Generally less busy than the better known Ontario Parks, these campgrounds offer lovely campsites by the river. There is lots to do in the area, from the Upper Canada Village, to Cornwall and the Saunders…

Why keep Chinese EVs out of Canada’s market?

Recently, headlines were made, when Canada’s Innovation, science and industry minster said that his government was considdering levying tarrifs against Chinese EVs, similar to what the Biden administration has done in the US (source). A cynic might point out that Michigan is an important swing state, in a tight presidential race. There is some truth…

The cheap lease deal?

As EV demand has been less than expected, automakers are searching for ways to eh, dispose of excess inventory. Tesla has been fairly direct and just cuts the price on their website. Other automakers have been more creative and provided a “cheap-lease deal”. Lets explore these aspects of the auto-industry a bit further. Our analysis…

Should city cars go electric?

Had a lovely chat with a fireman at a nearby electric car showcase. The gentleman tells me that the average fire truck might only do 50 km per day (usually far less). Given my experience with electric cars, wonderful for short trips, some headaches for cross provincial treks (source), 50 km is truely and mightily…

Used EV survey, Spring 2024

As the skis get put away, it is time for another used car survey. Last fall, we found over 200 EVs looking for a new home. A gently used Nissan Leaf, or a Model 3, plenty of these abound. We also see a few “older-flagships” cruising around looking for new owners. We find a whopping…


About 400 km south-west of Toronto sits the city of Windsor. Across the river from Detroit. We found a surprisingly vibrant city with many historic sites of interest. From the almost complete Gordie Howe bridge, to the underground railroad and a neat aviation museum . There is plenty to do. There is ample charging between…

Heat-pump vs electric vehicle (EV) vs Solar what should I do first?

Lets compare three common green projects people consider. Heat-pump installation, switching the gas guzzler to an electric vehicle (EV), and putting solar on the roof. We use Canadian green-house emissions statistics, and my experience with the first two (plus some planning/googling for the third), to see how the economics and user experience compare. As is…

A cheap way to boost solar?

We have discussed several solar and or battery projects in previous posts. Usually the economics are rather abysmal with payback periods stretching into the decades. At the heart of this is the relatively low per-kWh electricity price, of only 10 c/kWh “ish” (source). Compared to say Californians who must fork over 33 c/kWh (source). But…

Experiments with a Power Monitor

I recently installed an Emporia power monitor in my electrical panel. The installation procedure was fairly straightforward and took me about an hour or so to do. I have about half a dozen 240V circuits in the house which go to “power-hogs” such as the heat-pump, hot water tank, EV charger, Stove, heat-pump dryer etc.…


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